Deadline of life
How do you work 100 years in your life?
Road Map "Equations" to Maintain Vital Body Up to 100 Years
Target Prolong healthy life until 100 years old
Deadline A year later
Intermediate goal After 3 months perseverance prevails,perseverance prevails
Challenge Enzyme
How How do you achieve results?
"In the age of living to be 100 years old, it is said that the design of life" education "up to the age of 20," work ", then" work ", the" retirement "at the age of 60 is outdated" is the world authority of organization theory, He is Mr. Linda Gratton, a business thinker.
In Japan, which is one of the world's leading longevity countries
with over 65 years of age over 100, many money is needed
after retirement, so the term "longevity risk" has also come
to be heard.
Together with the declining birthrate,
Mr. Glattun suggests positive way of life and way of life
in the 100-year life of new life in Japanese society,
which is rather rather pessimistic toward "longevity".
I read this article and said that even if it says "Having said that"
Somebody is maintaining a physical body that can work
until 100 years old and designing a life of a new age is someone's
"politics "If you do not make it up, to the thrilling that you drew in the picture! I do not want to get it done.
In the book
"If you live to be 100 years old, you have to work until you are 80 years old
I can not. However, one stage from 20 to 80 years old
Can you imagine working full time at? We have long
You need to be another self in your life. For example, for 5 years
Work hard, if you want to update your skills,
6 months leave work and learn new skills. And to work
Go back and work at another company. All I'm suggesting is
Each one is to build his own life. "
Besides, in order to better live a life of longevity,
We point out that it is important to obtain the three elements of 'productivity' leading to increase in number, 'vitality' leading to physical and mental health, and 'ability to change' according to changes in the times.
The times are changing at a rate that can not be imagined 10 or 20 years ago. The feeling that deepening the uncertainty has caused the feeling of unreasonableness beyond anxiety and dissatisfaction. A disparate society is walking alone waving a major player.
In the recently held US presidential election, the trump proposal lost the Democratic Party's Clinton candidate, and it is becoming a stir up trouble, but if I say it, I will say "It is not a matter of course" I want to.
This dodging will be a red card to the world that has made complaints and a disparate society.
Even if it sees it, the world now is unhappy with the circumstances of only a handful of winners so that it can only be thought that it is structured to be unfair.
In a word it is a negative product caused by "globalization".
I have been saying "I'm going to live long ago" from olden days, but I did not seem to have changed how it looked like?
Talk back
Is not it important to pay attention to maintaining your own body rather than such things?
The body is the capital. Only after a vigorous body is secured can it survive that age.
In the case of
As I would like to propose on this site is to tell me what to do to live long,
Regarding how to do that We use equations to make a healthy body by practicing this road map regardless of age and sex
I want you to incorporate it.
Target Prolong healthy life until 100 years old
Latent enzyme decreases with lifestyle and aging,
and it is known as "chronic body fatigue", "stiff shoulder,
back pain", "chronic headache", "dullness of skin",
"bear under the eyes", " Hypotension "," diarrhea ",
" constipation problems such as bowel movement ",
" sleeping is bad "," get up early "," wake up in the night "and so on are considered to be caused by enzyme shortage.
Even if you become gray hair there is no other way to life. Therefore, the color of the hair is abandoned first. "White hair is considered to be caused by a decrease in the enzyme" tyrosinase "required when pigment cells (melanocytes) create pigments, but gray hair is considered to be signs of decreasing enzymes.
So, when you find a gray hair or when gray hair begins to worry, it is time to raise awareness about lifestyles and enzymes, thinking "Enzyme is short". How to supplement this enzyme on that is a big theme.
Deadline A year later
The deadline mentioned here is a time limit for correctly understanding enzymes, improvement of meal, preparation period for improving genes of taste left on our tongue as parents and children and taste
Intermediate goal After 3 months perseverance prevails、perseverance prevails
Three months later, verify the time series on whether or not you correctly understood the correcting skills, enzymes, coenzymes that will not become a three-day shake.
A challenge Ground cooking after understanding of enzyme and coenzyme
Understand the relationship with coenzyme at which enzyme to take
Incorporate Japanese food, cooking in macrobiotic, vegetarian, in raw food
Sprout etc Fairly easy to cultivate vegetables with high effect
How to How do you achieve results?
Function of digestive enzyme
In order to deepen the understanding of metabolic enzymes, let us first consider the function of digestive enzymes.
How to save digestive enzymes and increase metabolic enzymes
Increase metabolic enzymes by conserving digestive enzymes, metabolism such as repair
of organs and tissues, cells, cell remodeling and change of nutrients such as changing metabolic enzymes, raises immune power, becomes a body that is easy to lose weight and is not fattening, wrinkles And spots, gray hair and hair loss etc.
Fasting (fasting) can save digestive enzymes
Digestive enzymes are enzymes necessary for digestion of food and absorption of nutrients, so you can save fasting (fasting) which does not eat food without using digestive enzymes, only metabolic enzymes can be used during fasting.
Recently I have been fasting for three days at a rate of once every 3 or 4 months. I do not recommend fasting for 3 days suddenly to those who have never fasted, but digestive enzymes can be saved even on a one-day fast or a half-day fast using weekends.
20 years, 30 years and 3 meals a day and 2 meals a day, there is a big difference
Food enzymes that incorporate enzymes from outside
Even if you improve your diet, save digestive enzymes and increase metabolic enzymes,
try to eat raw vegetables directly with salads and smoothies.
Raw food item
Clarification of problems and objectives
The problem with the current situation is that we eat acts of eating at random.
Our body recognizes that enzymes are powered.
Depending on how it faces the enzyme, it is released from disease injury, and if you do not consume enzymes you can have youthful and fascinating vitality in your age.Taste is transmitted from mother to child, such as region, religion, ethnic group, family and so on, as you can tell from taste each person.
There are cases where you may be forced to change the taste semi-compulsively by politics.
Is not Okinawa that you can put in Japan a good example?
In Okinawa which was in the occupied basement 70 years after the war, as a result of the rooting of the food culture of other countries, Okinawa who was said to be longevity for one time quickly yielded its top seat.
We Japanese are herbivorous. The body has continued to have enzymes suitable for herbivorous ever since the history.
So you have to survive the era of satiety by recognizing that you do not have an enzyme that can eat meat in your body.
What do you want to say if what diet is good or not it is said that it is already old?
Otherwise it will expose ugly bodies in town with debut.
Road map body
1, There are two types of enzymes, "internal enzyme (latent enzyme)" present in the body
and "external enzyme (food enzyme)" taken from food.
And the "internal enzyme (latent enzyme)" that exists in the body is a "digestive enzyme" necessary for digestion and absorption of food and a saccharide which is related to diet
by preventing immunity by raising immunity, There are two kinds of "metabolic enzymes" related to metabolism, lipid metabolism, protein metabolism, wrinkle / spot, hair loss, etc. related to metabolism. So, the essential enzyme for health, beauty, diet and anti-aging is
a metabolic enzyme, and it is a key point how to increase the amount of metabolizing enzymes
and improve the function of metabolic enzymes.
2, Split into small targets. Begin with what can be done regardless of age and sex.
0 to 3 years old
Until 10 years old
Up to 18 years old
20 to 40 years old
40 to 65 years old
From 65 years old to 80 years old
80 to 100 years old
And verify the achievement at each stage.
First of all the most important matter With enzyme knowledge
A - It is to maintain dental health. The most important thing about meals is to chew well
and to put it in your stomach over time. By doing so you can unconsciously achieve a sense of satiety.
As a result of having to eat soon it will go over the belly and eat big and disasters of the body begin around that.
How can I keep at least 20 teeth up to age 80?
Put it on the top of the goal.
If you say that you should care for yourself, you will not be aware of the characters
you achieved. So what should I do?
It is to leave simple story to the doctor. It is to do maintenance of teeth at least once every six months.
If you are in an environment where you can not do it, you have to do maintenance on your own.
B - Avoid eating out as much as possible. I do not eat cheap ones. Not buy.
Do not use white sugar.
C - On the premise of a rough meal, incorporate macrobiotic, vegetable food and raw food to make the width of food.
D - Be sure to drink 100 cc of vegetable smoothie a day
E - Make it one by one carefully from things you can do.
I will forcibly put self-suggested words at that time "live to 100 years old" even though
it is good but something tasteless from the throat.
The old man twisted "I will forget the heat if the throat is passed away" leaving behind
a good maxim, "I feel uncomfortable if the throat is passed," feeling like I feel like a sense of taste " let's see.
F - Benefits and disadvantages Although I do not think it is necessary to list the benefits here, it is probably difficult to maintain sustainability because it takes time
and labor to list demerits strongly.
However, there is no doubt that there is a shortcut to achievement by clearly setting the goal of "living to 100 years old" in the prominent part of the room.
Rather than starting 100% from the beginning, there is no choice but to step forward step by step.
3, At this stage, in particular with regard to small targets in which you are involved, concrete action plans necessary for realization are prepared,
reviewed and modified as necessary, and revised.
This step is to change the small target of the road map creation "live to 100 years old", or to make corrections and make a new target setting.
Project Management
Project management is an activity aimed at completing a project successfully.
What is a project?
It is defined as "activity consisting of mutually related tasks and a period of about one year or less". Here, task means "short-term activities executed by one organization, group, individual."
In the project management, it is necessary for the management cycle (PDCA cycle) of planning, execution, check / evaluation, improvement / remediation to be always in operation. It also requires a startup process at startup and a process to summarize reports at the end.
Start-up process
Recognition of project existence
Recognition of what the project should achieve
Goal setting
Clarification of expectations of stakeholders
Planning process
Refinement of project scope with balance taken into account
List of work
Work ordering
Acquire approval from interested parties
Execution process
Team leadership
Interview with members
Communication with stakeholders
Fighting spirit to solve problems
Secure necessary resources (money, people, goods, time etc.)
Monitoring, control and process
Check and correction are collectively referred to as the monitoring process
Understand the deviation of the plan
Modification of plan
Acceptance and evaluation of change items from stakeholders
Schedule change as necessary
Adjust adjustment of resource amount as necessary
Termination process
Confirmation of project implementation results and deliverables
End of work and dissolution of team
Summary of lessons learned from project experience
Reflect on the results of the project process
Preparation of Final Report
This concludes specific tasks for creating a road map to "extend healthy life to 100 years old" and project management to achieve it.
If you would like to participate in the project please contact DE.Aru.
World authority speaks "100 years of life"
"One of the factors that greatly change our way of working and how we live is technological innovation and another important element is longevity.The average life expectancy has increased by two years every 10 years, It's like being given 2 months more time, in those days you need to think about being able to be younger for longer periods of time. "
Mr. Linda Gratton (61). Professor of London Business School is a business thinker also known as the global authority of organization theory and human resources theory. She chose the theme of this new work, who advocated a change in workplace with a work "work shift" published in Japan four years ago (which records an unusual sales of 100,000 copies as a business book)) It is "longevity". The title of the book "Life Shift" is a change of life, that is, as the longevity advances globally, it is said that it is necessary to turn into a life design presupposed for 100 years of life.
What will change in 100 years of life?
The life design of the "three-level structure" that has been called "education" until about 20 years old, "work" until about 60 years old, then "retirement" has become obsolete, and in addition to education, work, retirement We say that it will be necessary to design the life of "multi-stage structure" where various stages such as re-education and independence (entrepreneurship) come.
"If you live to be 100 years old, you must work until you are 80. But can you imagine working from full-time in one stage from 20 to 80 years old? For example, I work hard for 5 years, so I will leave the job for 6 months to learn new skills to update my skills, and then I will return to work and get back to work I am working on a company, everything I propose is to build up my own life. "
In the case of
Besides, in order to have a better longevity life, it is necessary to increase the productivity, which leads to increasing income, "vitality" leading to physical and mental health, and "ability to change" in accordance with changes in the times I point out that it is important to get one element.
What are the challenges in Japan?
When I hear the word "multistage", it comes to mind that Japan's custom is incompatible with the lifetime employment system and the recruitment of new graduates.
Mr. Gratton replied as to what Japanese companies and governments should change.
"The Japanese working environment is unique from the world, and the working people do not have to keep working in the same company.
Then you also have to imagine working on your own, that is, starting a business. "
"The Japanese government needs to seriously consider how to support young people who are about to start a business.
That is because it also leads to raising the country's productivity.
On a global scale, support to Japanese entrepreneurs is delayed.
Governments in the United States and Europe are putting considerable effort into supporting entrepreneurs. "
"On the other hand, the Japanese government has been focusing on elderly care.
But the fact that such elderly people really want to work is the problem faced by Japan and the rest of the world.
Government support is necessary so that elderly people who want to work can continue working. "
Issues of declining birthrate and aging population
Mr. Gratton's message is positive towards the 100th era of life, if you change the way you work and how you live, you can receive the benefits of longevity sufficiently.
However, in developed countries where the aging population advances, problems such as "disparity between generations (conflict)" are being pointed out recently.
There is also a declining birthrate in Japan, and it is a problem that there are discontent with medical expenses, pensions, etc., more money is used for the elderly and younger generations are increasingly burdened with burdens.
"If you retire at the age of 65 and live to be 100 years old, the period of getting the pension will be very long.
Younger generations will support more pensioners, and it is also true that there are conflicts between generations in the UK.
It is an unfair situation.
So, the movement to reduce the amount of pension payment or raise the age of starting payment will start.
Conversely, it is very important that people work longer and are more energized. "
"The government needs to face the challenges facing the young generation's people and support younger generation people.
In the UK too, more money is spent on people over the age of 60.
The government thinks that it is necessary to increase the budget for education and not only to see the elderly, but also to see the whole people's lives. "
"Fear of the future" frequently asked by the young generation.
If this remains "uneasy", society will not stabilize and it will be impossible to recover, as accelerating declining birthrates and aging progresses, as it leads to "antipathy" against the elderly.
In order not to do so, it is necessary for governments and businesses to extend the retirement age, abolishment, and to work out (work) people who want to work (long working hours) to create a mechanism to urge independence.
By faced with the enzymes claimed by De.Aru, dissatisfaction due to medical expenses and intergenerational disparities is thought to decrease depending on how to take responsibility of self-responsibility and "roadmap achievement".
Also, rather than relying on people, the spirit of starting a new business with your own skills is important.
The question of how to survive the era of the arrival of new uncertainty will appear faintly.