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搾り機でさ�とうきびを搾ります。 さとうきびの美味しさや栄養をキチンと搾り


There are a variety of forces at work in sugar. Sugar is used

to soften material, add sweetness and bring out the shine.

Take in the smell, oxidation and spoilage prevent. Sugar is

very versatile, indeed!

Raw materials

Sugar comes mainly from sugar cane and sugar beet. 75%

of sugar produced in the world is derived from sugar cane.

In Japan, Okinawa and Kagoshima, have come to the

forefront of cultivation, especially in areas such as the

Satsuma Islands. Sugar is what was taken out of a

component called ‘sucrose’ that is in the sugar cane and

sugar beet.

Kind of

Sugar is divided into two methods of processing and can

therefore be considered either ‘non-centrifugal sugar’

or ‘minute honey sugar.’

[Non-centrifugal sugar]

In traditional methods, sugar was filtered, boiled and dried

until the sugar solution could be squeezed out from

the sugar cane.

This process takes time, but by boiling down and evaporating the cane juice, it reveals a rich wealth of natural minerals. This, they say, is the flavor of living sugar.

Brown sugar

[Minute honey sugar (refined sugar)]

In modern techniques of refining sugar, the crystals of

sugar solution are separated and a centrifugal separator

siphons out only the crystals.

This process removes the crystals (raw sugar) and

other parts of the sugar (i.e. nutrients such as vitamins

and minerals), and is then filtered to increase the purity

of the sugar.

The type of sugar that this results in will change depending

on the degree and the crystal grain size

from the purification process.

The highest degree of purification is called granulated sugar.

In order to reach a high degree of purification,

such as granulated sugar and white sugar,

the molasses is first removed.

The refining process goes further as repeated steps

in the process are used to remove the remaining molasses, which is further boiled down to the crystal.

Once the caramelisation reaction occurs by heating, the sugar

solution becomes discoloured to a varying shade of brown.

The results here range from three-brown sugars to medium

Zara sugar that are also brownish due to the fact

they are made from the same sugar solution.

·Granulated sugar

- Superfine sugar

· 3-brown sugar

White Zara sugar

And medium Zara sugar

· Wasanbon

- Beet sugar (sugar beet raw material)


The main effects of sugar are as follows:


1)  To soften material

This includes sugar that is combined with water

and added to materials. It has an overall softening effect.


2)  Sweetening

When combined with delicious cuisines it adds sweetness

to the natural taste.


3)   Prevent oxidation

Because the concentration of sugar is less likely

to be higher than the absorption of oxygen, when used

in cooking with butter, oil or fat, it reduces the oxidation

of lipids.


4)   Less likely to rot

Since sugar absorbs moisture it suppresses the potential

of mold and microorganisms that require moisture.

This essentially acts to prevent corruption, spoilage or rot. Jam, and other such nonperishable food, is a good example

of this.

The degree of purification in granulated and white sugar

is high.

These sugars can reach up to about 99.8% in purity.

It is in the refining of this purification process, meant

to increase the purity, that many nutrients and minerals

that the sugar cane originally contained will be excluded.

This is main reason why it has been said ‘white sugar is not good for the body.’

Shiroi satō wa karadaniwarui?

Is White Sugar Bad For the Body?

The human body is basically a weak alkaline

and white sugar is an acidic food. When acidic food enters

the body, you need vitamins and minerals to neutralise it. Among these neutralisers is calcium.

If you do not have enough already in your blood and cells,

the calcium required will be supplied from reserves in the bones and teeth.

This is why sugar it is said ‘Tooth decay comes from eating

too many sweets.’

Since the nutrients in white sugar have had minerals and

lipids removed, it is impossible to receive the vitamins and

minerals needed for the body from white sugar by itself.

Asa result,

a large intake of white sugar has been considered to

leave a body deficient of necessary minerals.

In addition, white sugar acts as a simple carbohydrate.

Simple carbohydrates are made from one or two molocules

and are easy for the body to digest for quick energy.

Glucose and fructose are the smallest unit of carbohydrate.

The smaller the number of bonds of sugar the quicker it is

absorbed into the body.

This is what rapidly increases blood sugar levels.

The body, in order to lower the blood glucose level,

will secrete ‘insulin,’ but if the insulin continues to be secreted

in large amounts, the effect will be reversed and easily

cause low blood sugar.

If hypoglycaemia continues, it will result in an ‘adrenergic’ release in order to raise the blood’s glucose level.

An ineffective, or large, release of adrenaline in the brain will cause unstable emotions.

Also, joined with a lack of calcium in the rapid changes

of blood sugar levels, there is a theory that this causes muscle cramps.

What has been mentioned here is true of sugar in general.

When ingested in large quantities, with its vitamins

and minerals missing (such as brown sugar), it confuses

the blood glucose level in the body.

White sugar, by its nature, shows a strong trend of this.

The important thing is, when considering how sugar is meant to fit into the human diet, it is best not to take too much.

Sugarcane field

sugar cane

Sugar cane being squeezed in a milking machine.

The sugar cane taste and nutrition depends on adjusting the hardness of the roll.

Craftsmen carefully adjust the degree of fire over a 10 hour period

from 8am to night 18 o’clock.

When boiled for about 10 hours, the sweet smell of the brown

sugar will drift through the air as the moisture evaporates.

Delicious with not a trace of bitterness. Repeat the action until the

brown sugar is ready.

It hardens by cooling in the kettle until an appropriate moisture

content is reached.

If cold, is ready to serve delicious sweet brown sugar.

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