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The basics of cooking
Enzyme Ingestion and Smoothie
Deadline of life. 100year-old project and nursing care
The eating habits that both men Tal and the body get well?
For diet to recommend here, "too late. Because sent the long terrible eating habits," Please do not think like "anyway useless to doing.". Even if you have sent a large diet of the problem up to now, will in time enough if you start from now. Results that were visible will soon appear.
Our body has been reworked every day in the form of metabolism
It is said that the cell preparing our body into is 1,000 quadrillion (1,000 quadrillion) units and the old thing dies while always repeating division and changes these cells that it is new and was born (cell metabolism). The pace is 25,000 really for one minute.
In "the short cell of the life four or five days" such as the white blood cell for all replacement, "a cell of the heart four months" such as liver and stomach, the lungs when "it is to an internal organs organ, for half a year." In the case of "muscle, it is updated in nine months". When the healthy cell is divided several times, I finish life and die naturally. The first thing does not follow even with a bone all the time either, and "the whole human frame is replaced in approximately ten years".
In other words a thing to eat makes a body one year later today tomorrow's body, a half year later.
Particularly, the influence to be mental, and to give of the eating habits has an immediate effect. Today's eating habits affect your mental condition of today and tomorrow immediately.
Then I really match what with one's lifestyle in reference to the following list about the what to do and will begin it because it is possible.
An enzyme is a key word in health and in a diet.
The big role of the enzyme is" digestion of food" and" maintenance of a body (metabolism activity)".
Eaten digestion and the role of the digestive enzymes
The role of the maintenance metabolism enzyme of a body
With the biggest cause lacking in an enzyme?
Decrease of a lurk enzyme by aging
Mass consumption of an enzyme by great intemperance
Beginner's course
Advance course
With a vegetable food?
A point of an animal food?
A point of how to eat?
The role of the maintenance metabolism enzyme of a body
While I'm sleeping every day, it's the enzyme which maintains a body. The main role is following 3.
Neutralizing of a toxin in the body
Discharge of waste
Revival of a cell
I have to be maintained tightly, fatigue collect and don't bake it, even if I sleep,
you can't recuperate any more.
Reclamation cycle of a cell is disordered and comes out as roughness
and there is also a case by which neutralizing of a toxin will be lifestyle-related disease without being made.
Thus when it's being lacking in an enzyme, eaten digestion and build can't be normally any more maintained, and it becomes easy to connect to physical condition badness and overweight.
It's necessary by all means that I'm making sure that the enzyme won't be lacking to stop overweight and physical condition badness, when I don't know the cause lacking in an enzyme,
it can't be stopped.
Decrease of a lurk enzyme by aging
The amount which can be used in life and the amount which can be used on the 1st are decided already for an enzyme.
It isn't possible to replenish from a meal, so our form lives while consuming an enzyme every day.
If you're doing an image like the saving which has no things which increase,
it may be easy to understand.
The price that isn't increased and by which can be using it as a minute and use it in the 1st for life
if there is a saving at 1,000,000 yen, 10,000 yen and even, decided.
Each 10,000 yen every day can be drawn out, but there is only 1,000,000 yen
of amount of the whole....
Please stay here by such image.
I'll also decrease in the amount of the enzyme which can be drawn out as well as aging.
It's when I was born, that an enzyme is doing a way most at the interior of the body.
Enzyme level in the body is decreasing from the time when I have passed twenties after that,
so physical strength and the youth will decline peaking at twenties.
Mass consumption of an enzyme by great intemperance
A great deal of enzymes are also spent for digestion of food.
The meal which was a little reckless when it was the age with a lot of enzymes in the body
of the first half of twenties, next, by it's OK, but when not saving it when an overall lurk enzyme is decreasing by aging, physical condition badness and overweight are caused.
It isn't possible to stop decrease of an enzyme by aging, but the enzyme consumed by
great intemperance can be saved, so a physical condition delinquent and the person
who suffers from overweight, eating habits, reconsideration is important.
Beginner's course
To the person who can't avoid eating out and a reason in a convenience store.
I'll try it in the area where you can force yourself perfectly!
The following are a basic basis and the most critical item!
An artifact (marketing and eating out) (※ note) is stopped.
Oil isn't taken. The ingredients are from itself and the oil necessary to life activity is enough. Anyway it isn't necessary to take oil. Absolutely, whether a case is olive oil only canola oil,
linseed oil and sesame oil.
An abdomen for 8 minutes. I don't eat stomach full. (For the rule of thumb by the calorie,
adult female 1 day 1,300-1,600kcal and 1500 kcala day-about 1900 kcal of adult male)
Vegetables, a seaweed and mushroom kinds are eaten.
A microwave isn't used.
※ Note: I point at all things besides the material of the marketing and the eating out
(all things to which some hands were added) with an artifact.
Sausage, ham and bacon, meat artifact
Retort food, cooked frozen food and a cup of instant, all things into which cooking is processed at a factory
The seasoning mass-produced at a factory and source kinds are everything.
All over-the-counter snack and bread kinds
A convenience store, a supermarket, a box lunch, a dish of a dish chain and a box lunch.
The menu of the fast food, the family restaurant and the cheap eating out chain
Seafood artifact of kind of fish sausage, boiled fish paste, dumpling and cake of pounded fish
But, production and a process don't use clear food additive and remove processing
and cooked one.
It "is on the whole processed in quantities at a factory", when anything done isn't moderate,
please remember. The probability tens of kinds of food additive was combined, and the bad material full of toxic substances of the other bactericide and bleach was processed in quantities*, and that it was cooked for one full of an antibiotic full of agricultural chemicals becomes high in
a convenience store, a supermarket, a family restaurant and something to leave by a cheap eating out chain. A dish of a convenience store and a box lunch can sometimes also sprinkle bactericide and the medicine the color taste is made good for which with SHUSSHU at the time of finishing in front of the pack. I'm healthier and such bad food is cooked and eaten with the microwave which isn't good. I'll stop as much as possible.
"X laying in a large stock" and "x enormous volume processing" "are well-founded in something cheap" for a key word!
※ But, the above is probability to the end.
Something good for a consumer is offered more inexpensively by an enterprise.
Production method and a production technique are clear, and when one can choose something which can be trusted, that's best.
Sometimes, an artifact, oil doesn't sometimes sometimes worry about a microwave!
I'll manage in the area which can be done, not to aim at 100 points!
Advance course
I'll practice to practice from quite difficult but built part!
"Eating habits of the abdomen for 8 minutes which made the food of plant origin
of organic grown the center are sent."
(The ingredients as fresh as possible are eaten by plant food 8-90 percent
and animal food (mainly, seafood) 1-20 percent of ratio.)
The rule of thumb?
The rule of thumb of the calorie count of 1 day of an adult A man: 1,600-1,900kcal
A lady: 1,300-1,600kcal
※ The rule of thumb by which 27 kcal of the weightx is approximately (in case of slight activity)
(Breakdown 1)
* Carbohydrates 6-7 tenths
* Fat 1-2tenths
* Protein 1-2 tenths
(Breakdown 2)
* Food of plant origin 8-9 tenths
* Animal food 1-2 tenths
* The salinity 6-7g
* Sugar 0 g
* Processed food 0 g
Vegetable food
Vegetables (salad, such as vegetables)
Raw as possible
Seaweed (wakame seaweed, kelp, seaweed)
Brown rice, wheat, millet, such as millet
Whole wheat flour, whole-grain pasta
Grain of unpurified
Vegetables, seaweed
Native chicken,egg
Until one day 100g
Animal food 10-20%
1) the thing eaten with natural providence (Of something in season, while it's fresh.)
2) it's as without agricultural chemicals as possible and a vegetable food of organic grown
(for an animal food, in 1-2 tenths) is done mainly.
3) the rice of five cereals and a brown rice rice-ball fromx convenience store where an artifact (marketing and eating out) is stopped (are seen, Ken food, well it's full of "agricultural chemicals", "food additive" and "nasty oil", and unhealthy!!)
With a vegetable food?
A vegetable food is vegetables including the unpolished rice which becomes principal food
and cereal of non-refinement of miscellaneous cereals, the seaweed family and seed kinds.
Brown rice and miscellaneous cereals are the food in which a balance includes a protein, carbohydrates, fat, a dietary fiber, vitamin, mineral and an enzyme well in particular,
and I'll take as each meal principal food.
But, it's indispensable that a producing center is a clear organic one about brown rice
and cereal.
When agricultural chemicals are used, the remains rate of agricultural chemicals becomes a lot more more than refined rice for the brown rice which isn't being refined. It's more unhealthy than to eat brown rice with healthy purpose eats rice,
so I'll be careful.
Of course, a producing center will also choose a clear organic one as vegetables, the seaweed family and seed kinds.
A point of an animal food?
An animal food avoids meat, and I'll decide to choose seafood as much as possible.
It isn't necessary to depend on an animal food for protein absorption because a protein is also included in a vegetable food sufficiently.
In particular, a soy product, soybean milk, tofu, fermented soybean paste and fermented soybeans, much, the kind also agreed with Japanese nutritiously.
Beef and pork will make sure that 1 a month-the twice, chicken and egg will be set to 1 a week-less than twice.
But, it's rather more unhealthy than an animal food to think as a soy product and eat a soy product made from soybeans full of agricultural chemicals made in China and other medicine diligently.
The person who eats a chicken of the place is much desirable.
When eating a mini-product, a producing center will choose a clear organic one like brown rice.
A point of how to eat?
When it's possible regular time in the evening at noon in the morning, I'll finish dinner before about 3 hours when I sleep. When it's possible, the habit bitten about 30 times will be put, and decides to have a plenty of leeway and eat slowly at at least more than 20 minutes.