It is said that "Nasu" became known as "Natsumi (summer fruit)" to "Nasumi" → "Nasubi". It is also known that such summer vegetables "eggplant" has long been an activity to warm up and improve hot flashes
Under the deep violet color of "Nasu", the anthocyanin pigment (nasunin) has a strong antioxidant action, it prevents oxidation of lipids and decreases cholesterol level!
In addition, chlorogenic acid which turns the incision into brown is also antioxidant, and it is expected to be effective for cancer and aging prevention.
It contains abundant potassium that drains excess sodium (salt) and keeps blood pressure normal
Since the flavor is pale white, it is "Nasu" which can be cooked in various cuisines, but let's try to prevent discoloration by exposing the tricks to cooking as soon as you cut it.
In addition, it is important to make use of the characteristic deep purple color of eggplant by heating at high temperature for a short time such as frying, stir-frying
We sometimes add iron nails or alum (including aluminum) in pickles beforehand because anthocyanin pigment can keep blue color when bonded with iron or aluminum
How to choose eggplant / preservation method / simple recipe
<How to choose>
The skin is dark purple, with gloss and elasticity, the lid is firm and the thorns are sharp and sharp are fresh.
Things that are too big or thin are seedy and taste poor.
<How to Save>
Wrap it in "Zip Rock Stock Bag" or wrap it in "Saran Wrap" and save it in the vegetable room of the refrigerator.
If you hit the wind or overcool it will taste bad, so be careful ☆ If you put it in the fridge, you will get better, but leave the skin early because it will be hard as well as leather and flesh.
So, if there is a lot of eggplant, I will show you how to make a sauce that you can easily do with the range
【Easy to make of eggplant】
<Material> 4 servings
Four eggplants (about 320 g)
Dashi · · 1/2 cup
Salt · · teaspoon 1/3 ~ 1/2
Soy sauce · · 1 teaspoon
Grinding · · appropriate
<How to make>
【1】 Peel off the eggplant, cut it into 4 equal pieces, put in saltwater "hot vegetables at Zip Lock Container Range", expose it for about 5 minutes and remove the aquarium.
Remove the inner basket, drain it, set it in the outer container where salt water was thrown away.
Close the lid and heat it in a microwave oven (500 W) for about 6 minutes.
Take out the inner basket, let it cool and let it cool.
【2】 Sift in the outer container, mix salt and soy sauce, dip the egg in (1), coat in a refrigerator with a lid.
【3】 Serve as a bowl and add chipping.
▼ Cooking notes
· Cooking time: 15 minutes
· Calories: 19 kcal / 1 serving