Ginger frozen storage technique
For ginger which is easy to decay inadvertently, "Correctly grate and frozen" is correct!
Even when you want to use only a small amount, do not waste the rest, you can use it as soon as you need it very convenient
When frozen, grate into small pieces, wrapped exactly with "Saran wrap". Put it in "Zip rock freezer bag", remove air as much as possible, frozen storage tightly closed zipper.
Keep the fragrance and flavor of ginger on rap & zip
Even if you use it at normal temperature by thawing it to use it for condiments, or use it for cooking while frozen
If you do not freeze, let's wrap it in a newspaper which has been moistened slightly so as not to dry at room temperature and save it.

In traditional Chinese medicine, "ginger" is said to be a food to warm your body.
There are over 200 kinds of unique fragrance ingredients!
The pungent ingredient has sweating, deodorant and bactericidal action, and it is used frequently as a savory taste of meat and fish, such as sashimi.
Pungent taste improves the secretion of saliva and gastric juice to promote appetite and promote digestion
Besides warming the body warm, there are various effects.
The blessings of nature. If you can make good use of "ginger", girls' power and housewife strength are UP