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Salmon tends to be considered a lean fish from the color of yourself, but you actually know "white fish"?
Salmon looks red because it contains a red pigment called "astaxanthin."
This "astaxanthin" has a powerful antioxidant effect and is surprised to say that it has power enough to be said to be 500 to 1000 times of vitamin E! It is!
If you eat fish you say your head gets better, but I hope that you can expect until anti-aging good things
Eat a salon "beauty food ingredients", forever young

How to choose salmon / preserved tech

★ How to choose
The point of choosing a delicious salmon is that the color of the fillet is brilliant, the cut is solid, and the pattern like a white annual ring is clear! Avoid being drowned and the surface becoming watery

★ frozen storage
The freshness of the fish that you put down tends to decrease when you touch the air.
Therefore it is very important to properly save it as early as possible!

【1】 piece wrap perfectly with "Saran wrap"

【2】 Place in 'Zip Rock Freezer Bag', remove air as much as possible, and close zipper tightly and store it frozen.








Those whose freshness has fallen are not suitable for preservation, so it is recommended to use them for sweetened boiled fish, muniel, fries and stir-fry 
If you cook with sweet seasoning or oil, there is an effect to suppress the smell due to freshness reduction, so remember that

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