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The main areas that are eating Konjak are Asian countries such as Japan, China, Myanmar, Korea etc. However, as Japanese food boom spreads, it is spreading to Europe and the United States as a low-calorie health food
Konnyaku's calorie is 21 kcal calories in 300 g (1 piece) and it has very low calorie, when you eat 4 grams of konnyaku on okon 4 tsu, the paste you put on is calorie higher (spice 6 kcal , Konnyaku 5 kcal calories). Due to abundant dietary fiber, it is also popular as a diet food (health food).

★ refrigerated storage As for the preservation method of the remaining Konjac which opened it, transfer the water contained in the bag to Tapper etc.,
Please put it in the refrigerator.
The water of the bag contains the same alkaline water as Konnyaku.
Because alkaline water has bactericidal action, konnyaku lasts long.
If you throw away the water of the bag, normal water is okay.
In the case of ordinary water please change the water about once every 2 or 3 days.
According to this preservation method, the expiration date of Konjak surplus after opening is about 1 week to about 1 month,
I think that you can eat without problems during this time.
★ Frozen storage Konjac does not have frozen storage, but it is not suitable for frozen storage because it contains a lot of moisture.
Moisture will flow out at the time of thawing and it will be like a shrinking rubber texture.
And once it gets in the water once it will not return to its original state. However, I used a frozen konnyaku
There are also recipes.
The preservation method in case of freezing and preserving surplus konnyaku,
Drain the konnyaku into an appropriate size by hand, lightly shimmer, then boil for about 1 to 2 minutes to remove acne.
After cooling down put it in a freezer bag and store it frozen.
Let's thaw freeze and stir-fry while frozen.
The moisture escapes, the taste is easy to soak, it is interesting that it has become a strong one with Kosi.
However, I do think that likes and dislikes will be pretty broken. The expiration date for frozen surplus konnyaku will be about one month.
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