How to choose a carrot / preserved tech
<How to choose>
The identity of that orange is "carotene".
When choosing, it has a strong orange color, a brilliant one, there are no scratches on the skin, etc. There are elasticity and gloss If the part of the stem is thick, many things are hard, so thin ones will be good
<Normal temperature / refrigerated preservation>
After wiping off the water well, put it in "Zip Lock Stock Bag" etc and save it in the vegetable room of the refrigerator. Because it is easy to be damaged if it is steamed or wet, wipe off frequently when moisture comes out. In winter, storage at normal temperature in a cool dark place is also OK.
Let's wrap it up in a "Saran wrap" perfectly, put it in the refrigerator, and use it for around 3 to 4 days perfectly.
<Frozen storage>
Pre-cut and frozen and preserved, it is convenient to use various dishes immediately.
【1】 Cut it to a small amount, such as thin grape chunks and strip cuts, and thick sticks of match sticks. Those that cut large, such as randomly, do not turn because the texture is bad.
【2】 Place in "Zip lock freezer bag", close the zipper by pulling out air as much as possible, frozen storage.
When using, it is natural decompression, semi-thawing with a microwave oven, cooking while frozen, there is not any big difference either way.
You may choose a method that suits your dish. Salad, Kinpira and Hikiki boiled, cooked rice, soup stocks such as broth soup and soup, stir-fried food such as Chinese, etc. can be used in various ways.

Speaking of carrot, carotene !! The content of β-carotene effective for anti-aging with active oxygen suppression is the top class among vegetables! In addition, α-carotene with stronger antioxidant power than β-carotene It also includes double effect to prevent cell aging
Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body, it keeps the skin and mucous membranes in normal condition and improves immunity, so it will be less susceptible to diseases such as colds.
Since β - carotene is contained near the skin, it is ideal to use without peeling.
I want to peel as thin as possible even in the case of peeling
Moreover, compatibility with oil is outstanding! As it is raw it is better to eat with oil with frying etc. Recommend ☆ as the absorption rate improves