How to choose okra / preserved Tekokura is a versatile vegetable that can be used widely including salad, stir-fry, soup, simmered dish
Since the coloring of the dishes is bright with vivid green, save it well and take it in various cuisines
<How to choose>
The cut is clean and the green is dark. Also, those with soft and brilliant hair are uniformly grown.
Because too much grew makes it hard to eat, the smaller one is recommended.
<How to Save>
Because it is vulnerable to drying, wrap it in "Saran wrap" or put it in "Zip lock stock bag".
It is weak to low temperature and it will darken when it is below 5 ℃, so let's save it in the vegetable room of the refrigerator.
Pick UP for the characteristic okra! It is!
The identity of sticky is a water-soluble dietary fiber such as "mucin". It helps to prepare the intestinal environment and improve bowel movements.
"Mucin" also protects the mucosa of the stomach, improves digestion and absorption of protein, so it is effective for indigestion and anorexia.
It is perfect for the summer when the appetite falls in summer.
In addition, since okra contains β-carotene, vitamin B 1, iron, calcium, etc., it helps recovery from fatigue and mineral supplementation after sports
Furthermore, vitamin C of beautiful skin effect is included, so you should not say it anymore!
Let's spend this summer well with okra good for health and beauty