One of seven herbs of spring "Cub"
Both roots and leaves are characterized by plenty of nutrition
The root part contains a lot of amylase which helps digestion and supports the function of the stomach.
It is said that it is told that the Chinese medicine also warms the gastrointestinal tract and softens the abdominal pain caused by cold.
Since the leaves are rich in β-carotene and vitamin C, it increases immunity and is effective for prevention of aging.
Also rich in calcium, 250 mg of 100 g is included!
The turnip is thinner than the radish because the cell wall is thin and the street of fire is also early, so when you cook, it is important not to boil over
Roots are basically peeled off thickly, but the skin is also sliced thin, cut into pieces of miso soup, pickled and then eaten, it is a waste that can be used without leaving leaves or skin.
Why do not you taste it with a wide range of dishes such as stir-fry, soup, pickles, vegetables?
Save turnip of tea
When saving, it is best to separate the leaves and roots and store them
Let's keep the roots in a refrigerator room by putting it in "Zip lock stock bag" etc. so that moisture does not evaporate.
When leaves are not used immediately, it is good to boil and then save it
Recommended to turn pickled turnip with pickled sweet with sweet vinegar
I introduce a gorgeous "chrysanthemum cub" that decorates turnips.
<Materials for 6 turns>
【A】 water 1 cup
Salt · · 1 teaspoon stronger
【B】 vinegar · · 4 tablespoons
3 tablespoons sugar
Salt · · teaspoon 2/3
Red red pepper · · · 1
<How to make>
【1】 turnip drop leaves and peel. Place it on the chopping board with its incision facing down. Be careful not to cut it down to the end, cut a small cut vertically. Turn turns turn vertically, and make a break similarly. (If you put disposable chopsticks in front of the turnip and beyond it and cut it, you can do without failure.)
【2】 Insert A in "Zip Rock Standing Bag" and combine well. Add the turnip of (1), pull out the air, close the zipper, and let it go for about 30 minutes. When you are satisfied with it, leave it to soup for pickles and drain lightly.
【3】 Place B in 'Standing bag', mix well and make sweet vinegar. Put the turnip, remove the air, close the zipper and soak it for about 1 hour.