Corn is a nutritious vegetable containing vitamin B1 that promotes energy metabolism to help recover from fatigue and vitamin B2 that suppresses the oxidation of lipids.
Especially, since the nutrients are gathered in the embryo part corresponding to the root of the grain, when taking the fruit it is recommended to remove it carefully with hands rather than scraping with knives.
In addition, dietary fiber is abundant, it is said that it helps to prevent colon cancer etc. from improving bowel movements
As time goes down, taste and nutrition will fall, so let's try to pick out the freshly harvested fish as much as possible!
For those with skin, make sure the skin is brilliant green and the beard is brown.
The body inside is packed tightly, and the one with the size of the grain is good.
A thing slightly dented when pressed prove of freshness
Conserving corn
Corn is a bit of a taste when frozen, so we recommend you to eat it fresh while you eat it, but let's frozen as soon as possible when you do not eat.
It can be frozen even if heated or raw, there is no big difference in the state after storage.
<Cooking by heating and freezing storage>
When heating corn, wrap it with "Saran wrap" one by one while it is hot so as not to let out moisture and scent.
After cooling down, put it in "Zip Rock Freezer Bag" and store frozen.
When using it, while wrapping it in "Saran wrap", heat it gently with the microwave until the whole is warmed up.
<Freezing preserved with raw>
Peel the corn and wrap it exactly with "Saran wrap".
Put in "Zip lock freezer bag", frozen storage by removing air.
When boiled and used, remove "Saran wrap", boil from the water while boiling from the water and heat it for about 3 minutes, it becomes very juicy.
When steamed to use, remove "Saran wrap", if heated with a steaming steamer frozen for 10 to 12 minutes, it will be slowly steamed and will not escape taste.
Also, when boiling or steaming, soak it in thick salt water (about 3% salt) while hot, wrap it in "Saran wrap" immediately and let it cool down, it will make wrinkles less likely.
Saltiness is also attached.
It is the same when heating from raw, so let's add beautiful and delicious