Did you know that there is a proverb that there is a proverb that "If you eat an apple a day, doctors do not need it"?
Apple improves gastrointestinal condition, citric acid and malic acid will help restore fatigue, so recommend it to those who are tired of gastrointestinal intestines with the New Year's party continued! Many dietary fiber pectin, it is also effective for anti-aging to relieve intestinal action and constipation! ..., and apples are excellent fruits that will prepare your body with plenty of functional ingredients
Especially during this time of colds and flu epidemic, I want to eat every day!
It is delicious as it is to eat raw food as well as put in a salad every day. In addition, make apple jam or apple pie ... and please try and taste the apple in various ways of eating
Apple preserved tech
Apple breathes even after harvesting and emits water. In order to suppress the breathing of the apple and prevent drying, put it in a sealable bag such as "Zip lock stock bag" and store it in the refrigerator can save it for a relatively long time. For this season of season, I always want to eat every day
Apples change color when exposed to air, so when peeling or cutting, immediately put it in salt water!
It is also recommended to jam or sauce it and eat it! Here, I will introduce the recipe of "Shakiyaki apple"
It is fun to use it as a salad topping as well as to accompany yogurt and pancake
I used the seasonal apples in various dishes, and I think I'm still a housewife UP
【Material】 "Zip lock container (square type · small)" 1 piece
· Apple (roasted onions) · · 100 g
· 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
· Sugar · · 1 tablespoon less
· Brandy · teaspoon 1 <How to make>
【1】 Peel off the "Zip Lock Container (Square Type / Small)" and add apple cut into the eggs, add lemon juice, A and mix before color changes.
【2】 Slide the lid of "Container" and heat it for about 2 minutes with a microwave oven (500 W).
When saving, please take a lid after taking heat well ♪