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De.aru Recommended Vacuum Mixer

Vacuum tumbler

That why it is fresh

Air does not mix with ingredients during stirring

8 hours freshness

Aerial Greens ApplePineapple  Smoothie

◾️ Aerial greens sprouts are shed in running water to take the bean husk, cut the root part about 2 cm and halve

◾️ The apple removes the seeds and leaves the skin

​◾️ Pineapple cut the outer skin and in suitable size


◾️ Aerial greens sprouts are shed in running water to take the bean husk, cut the root part about 2 cm and halve

◾️ Strawberries remove the straw

​◾️ Banana is peeling the outer skin

Aerial Greens Strawberry Banana  Smoothie


◾️ Broccoli sprout as it is
◾️ The apple removes the seeds and leaves the skin.
◾️ Mandarin orange peeled off with a questionable size.
◾️ Avocado wash well, I think that it would be better to leave the outer skin but likes and dislikes, in an appropriate size

Broccoli Sprout AppleMandarin orangeAvocado Smoothie


◾️ Broccoli sprout as it is

◾️ Grapefruit peels off the outer skin and in an appropriate size

​◾️ Pineapple cut the outer skin and in suitable size

​◾️ Avocado removes hulls and seeds, in an appropriate size

Broccoli Sprout grapefruitPineapple Avocado Smoothie

Broccoli 1

Broccoli Sprout Banana Mandarin orange Smoothie

◾️ Broccoli sprout as it is

◾️ Banana is peeling the outer skin

◾️ Mandarin oranges are peeled and inquired in size.


◾️ Komatsuna flowed, cut the root part of the stem about 2 cm, then cut into pieces

◾️ The apple removes the seeds and leaves the skin

​◾️ Banana is peeling the outer skin

Komatsuna+AppleBanana Smoothie


◾️ Komatsuna flowed, cut the root part of the stem about 2 cm, then cut into pieces

​◾️ Pineapple cut the outer skin and in suitable size

◾️ Strawberries remove the straw

Komatsuna+Pineapple  Strawberry Smoothie


◾️ Komatsuna flowed, cut the root part of the stem about 2 cm, then cut into pieces

◾️ The apple removes the seeds and leaves the skin

◾️ Peel the mango, remove the seeds

Komatsuna+Applemango Smoothie


Macrophyll+BlueberryPineapple Smoothie

◾️ Wash the large leaves, remove moisture

◾️ Blueberries leave every leather

​◾️ Pineapple cut the outer skin and in suitable size


Macrophyll+Apple+Kiwifruit Smoothie

◾️ Wash the large leaves, remove moisture

◾️ The apple removes the seeds and leaves the skin

◾️ Wash kiwifruit well, leave the outer skin as much as possible, please strike the person you care about


Chingensai+AppleNavel Orange Smoothie

◾️ Chingensai are chopped to about 2, 3 ㎝ interval

◾️ The apple removes the seeds and leaves the skin

◾️ Peel off the navel and halve


Mizuna+ApplePineapple Grated ginger  Smoothie

◾️ Mizuna cut the root part of the stem about 2 cm and then cut it down

◾️ The apple removes the seeds and leaves the skin

​◾️ Pineapple cut the outer skin and in suitable size

◾️ Ginger removes the skin and to grind. Wash the new ginger wel

Chingensai+Banana+Pineapple +Strawberry  Smoothie

◾️ Chingensai are chopped to about 2, 3 ㎝ interval

​◾️ Banana is peeling the outer skin

​◾️ Pineapple cut the outer skin and in suitable size

◾️ Strawberries remove the straw


Mizuna+Banana +Mandarin orange Smoothie

◾️ Mizuna cut the root part of the stem about 2 cm and then cut it down

​◾️ Banana is peeling the outer skin

◾️ Mandarin oranges are peeled and inquired in size.


Spinach+ApplePineapple  Smoothie

◾️    Spinach is flowing, cut the root part of the stem about 2 cm and then cut into pieces

◾️ The apple removes the seeds and leaves the skin

​◾️ Pineapple cut the outer skin and in suitable size


Spinach+Kiwifruit+Carrot Smoothie

◾️    Spinach is flowing, cut the root part of the stem about 2 cm and then cut into pieces

◾️ Wash kiwifruit well, leave the outer skin as much as possible, please strike the person you care about

◾️  from carrots are well wash, skin is not peeled to the size of about 2 cm to (for nutrition often under the         skin)


Spinach+Bananamilk Smoothie

◾️    Spinach is flowing, cut the root part of the stem about 2 cm and then cut into pieces

​◾️ Banana is peeled and in suitable size


GreenleafBananaStrawberry Smoothie

◾️ Green leaf is cut into roots after cutting the root part of stem about 2 cm

​◾️ Banana is peeled and in suitable size
◾️   Strawberry is removed as it is removed


GreenleafBlueberryStrawberryPineapple Smoothie

◾️ Green leaf is cut into roots after cutting the root part of stem about 2 cm

◾️   Blueberry leaves as it is
◾️   Strawberry is removed as it is removed
◾️   Pineapple cuts the outer skin and is of suitable size

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